COVID-19 Employee Self-Assessment Module

As organizations reopen in-person services, they need to keep employees and customers safe. StrataFlows’ COVID-19 employee self-assessment module helps minimize the risk of exposure to someone infectious with COVID-19 as organizations provide important in-person services. 

Employees can use StrataFlows’ COVID-19 self-assessment survey module before reporting to work each day. You can easily configure the module to ask the specific questions your organization’s health officials require. Automatically, based on the answers, the employee or visitor is told if they should report to work or stay home. They can also be guided to who to contact if they cannot report. Or, this notification can be automated. For example, the module can send an email to human resources or an organization’s medical officer. 

How the COVID-19 Employee Self-Assessment Module is Implemented 

As is true for all our modules, there’s no software to install, and it runs in the browser on PCs, tablets, and smartphones. Given the ease of access, employees can answer questions before leaving their homes each day or using a kiosk in your entryway. The module can generate a QR-code for employees to scan that takes them directly to the form. They can also save the link to their phone’s home screen as a shortcut to ease daily use. 

There are options for how to identify a user. For example, when necessary, the form can be used anonymously. Alternatively, if you want to identify users, you can prompt them to enter their name and/or employee ID. For even better user identification, you can require users to register first

What data does the module store? 

In addition to the self-screening tool, your staff will have a log of each self-assessment. This includes all the details of the assessment such as who took it, when they took it, which location they took it from, what each answer was, and, optionally, what the outcome was. Beyond just the log, there is also a dashboard showing important statistics and trends. 

The data is stored securely, and privacy is verified by ensuring data is encrypted both when travelling on the internet and when stored in our in-country database. (This means data is stored in Canada for Canadians and the US for Americans.) Our system is also highly available with cross-region redundancy and automated failover. Meanwhile, our support team is available around the clock to help if questions or issues arise. 

How can I get the COVID-19 Employee Self-Assessment Module? 

If you have an interest in using this module, please reach out to StrataFlows’ sales team. We can have it tailored to your needs and enabled within 48 hours from the time you agree to subscribe. Various licensing options are available. Request a demo to learn more.